But what I can tell you about are the wonderful, fantastic, informative blogs I've found written by moms and dads, which I forward directly to my daughter. I enjoy following them, keeping up with the progress made, quiet thoughts, frustrations and tremendous joy. However, my view is different, being a grandparent and not directly on the front line. .. Although I am mere inches behind the two who are...Mom and Dad.
Our Eric was diagnosed at age 18 months...I believe it was March or April of 2006. My daughter Nichole, Eric and Eric's daddy Daniel, were living in Bradenton, Florida, when my daughter began to suspect something wasn't right. The "unofficial" diagnosis came from there. More tests needed to be done. My daughter, scared and feeling alone, wanted to be home near her family. Daniel agreed and they relocated, back to New York, and moved in with us until they settled in their own place.
There are no adequate words to tell you the emotions I experienced upon hearing Eric's official Diagnosis. Holding my crying daughter in my arms, looking over her shoulder at our little guy, the only thing I could think of was that I needed to be strong. For my daughter Nichole, for Daniel and for Eric. There was work to be done and a little boy to save.
Anyway, meet my little guy Eric...
His school "Cloverpatch" took a trip to the Saratoga County Fair and his mom and I tagged along. He's resting with his MeMa...and the look on his face says he's staying right there.
Now off to find Gail and see how she's doing with her little one.
Oh, and since I'm at work I really should do a bit of invoicing as well.
Oh my gosh, I'm so excited you're blogging here! We both have new adventures to share and I'm glad I get to read yours! When I think about my old blog I have to smile... I was so much younger and had much less responsibilty. I like my life better now though! :) Evie is so amazing and I love my little family. Eric is so very lucky to have you as a Gram! And he is such a cutie! He has gotten so big!!!