It's been a busy time after the move. I think I'm finally getting organized and feeling like this is a bit more like home. Actually, I am liking it more every day. Even Eric is getting used to it after what I thought was a little bit of a rocky start. He probably kept thinking "when are we going to your house MeMa?" It did get easier after he saw all his "stuff", but there was still that little bit of not quite knowing what to do with himself. And the one night I kept him overnight was not a pleasant time. Mommy had to come at about 10:30 to pick him up after a horrific meltdown which scared me. They usually don't, but he was hyperventilating and I hadn't seen that before. Of course as soon as I called, he settled down and was almost asleep when she arrived. If only I'd waited a bit longer.
Eric continues to bound ahead, learning and progressing enough to thrill all of us. We attended the "Family Fun Day" at his school last Saturday and had a great time. Again a rocky start, there were balloons everywhere and he would not give them up. He loves letting them go in the air and usually that's fine with us. Unfortunately these had little prizes in them and were for sale as a fundraiser. LOL! No letting them go in the air. Someone in Massachusetts just might get lucky if they find that floating balloon and it had a million dollar winner scratch off in it!
Finally we got him to the playground, the bouncy bounce, and the water balloons. Need I tell you the water balloons were his favorite part?
Eric and his friend Mick
Someone would throw the ball and the balloon would break and drench the teacher.
Sharing the spotlight with a teacher.....he LOVED it.
Recognize this teacher? Still his favorite!
We had a great time and Nikki says Eric slept well that night!